
Ferb’s Happy Tail

We are featuring a very special adoption that happened after one of our fosters fell in love with a kitten named Ferb.
“Ferb is doing amazing. I started fostering him when he was a week old. His two other siblings that were in our care ended up passing away and it was very traumatic for my kids therefore they wanted to keep him in the family.
This is not the first pet we have adopted from BRHS. I have a cat that my oldest kids got for me in 2017 his name is Sylvester. We ended up adopting a puppy in 2018/2019 I think. A kitten in 2019, another puppy in 2020 and then earlier this year I fostered two kittens and one we adopted thinking he would be our last. He is doing amazing in our home. He gets along great with all of our animals and the children. And Gus is stuck together like glue.
We were able to slowly introduce him. Since I got him at 1 week old the only animal that would not allow me to slowly introduce was Gus. Gus was roughly 2-3 months old at the time and wanted to be in the bed with the kittens. So when the other two siblings passed away it was a blessing for Ferb to have already connected with Gus as he was already taking him under.
Ferb is just so dramatic and vocal that it is cute. All my other animals are calm and laid back but he’s is defiantly letting his presence be known. We love the humane society and all the people who have helped us.”
Thank you McCoy family for adopting Ferb!
Make your Happy Tail come true by adopting any of our animals here: https://www.blueridgehumane.org/adopt/