
Ask Crystal: New Years Dog to Dog Manners
Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Dear Crystal,
We will bring our almost-two-year-old pyr mix with us when we visit relatives over…

Ask Crystal: Puppy Puts on the Brakes for Potty Breaks
Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Dear Crystal,
I have an 11-week-old Bernese Mountain dog that lays down while outside when I am…

Ask Crystal: Jumpy Puppy
Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Dear Crystal,
My 4 month old Labrador puppy keeps jumping on people as they walk by and wants…

Ask Crystal: Winter Exercise
Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Dear Crystal,
With the winter weather looming ahead of me, I am worrying about how I am going…

Ask Crystal: Thanksgiving Manners
Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Dear Crystal,
I am having a lot of guests come over for Thanksgiving. I have a year-old Shit Zu…

Ask Crystal: What do to for that humpty hump
Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Dear Crystal,
Skittles is approximately 5-year-old neutered male, Rottweiler/Hound mix rescue…

Ask Crystal: Destructive Behavior Training
Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Dear Crystal,
I have a 6-month old puppy that is extremely destructive. He literally chews…

Ask Crystal: Dog Communication 101
Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Dear Crystal,
I need help with training my dog to listen to me. She listens sometimes but…