
Meet Our Guinea Pigs

    Today’s Featured Pet(s) are our Vinny, Ivy, Donny and Jynx!

Guinea Pigs, anyone?
Donny, Vinny, Jynx and Ivy still need to find homes! These sweet guinea pigs are all around 3 years old and currently in foster care. Ivy and Jynx seem to be the most bonded so Donny and Vinny can find homes of their own if needed.
Apply now and give these sweet little guys new families! www.blueridgehumane.org/adopt/other-adoptable-animals/

If you are interested in learning more about any of our available animals visit our website and click on the photo of the animal you are interested in at

www.blueridgehumane.org/adoptOur Adoption Counselors will reach out with more info and the next steps! Adoptions and animal meetings are by appointment only. If you have questions, email help@blueridgehumane.org.