
Ask Crystal: Barky Dog Problems

Dear Crystal,  I adopted a little Golden Retriever mix puppy when he was 7 weeks old. To say that this puppy has been challenging is an understatement. He is the noise-st puppy I have ever had and he was like that from the beginning. He…

Ask Crystal: New Friends or Foes?

Dear Crystal,  We rescued a male husky two days ago from our local humane society. His history is largely unknown, but he is underweight and extremely timid and jumpy.   We did a meet-and-greet with our female husky prior…

Ask Crystal: Barky Car Ride

Dear Crystal,  Tessa, our two-year-old (28lb) Aussiedoodle is a fluffy ball of energy and joy but has developed a terrible habit of barking in the car, which began when she was quite young and has been intermittent since. We have…